Estate Planning with Albers Brown Attorneys in Lincoln Nebraska

Estate Planning and Probate

Estate planning eliminates uncertainties about custody for minor children following death, one’s personal care upon following incapacity, and the ultimate distribution of assets. Proper planning may also reduce administration expenses and estate taxes. Estate plans may also address the transfer or winding up of a business.

Every estate plan should minimally involve one or more of the following documents:

No two Clients have the identical planning issues. At Albers Brown, we strive to develop the best plan for each Client. Depending upon the Client’s needs, we review and prepare:


A Client may find a need to either have a Will probated, or to challenge the probate of a Will for reasons “undue influence” or “incapacity” of the decedent.

The probate of a Will involves either an informal or formal proceeding through the County Court. Recognizing the often difficult emotions family goes through following a death, we commit to make the process as simple as possible and to proceed at the Client’s pace.

Unfortunately, in rare occasions a Will may need to be challenged